Counselling Credentials – Raymond Yarwood

Cornwall County Council

Mr. R.E. Yarwood        My Ref.  CS/PS/SJT
4 Barberton Cottages
Lethlean Towans        Ext. 3402
Cornwall, TR27 5AP        23rd June, 1993

Dear Ray,

At the last meeting of the County Careers Education Advisory Group, I was asked to convey to you the members’ thanks for all the good work you have done over the years and to wish you well in your retirement.

I hope things are going well and working to plan.

Yours sincerely,


Paul Barnes
Principal Careers Officer

Careers Service, Helford Building, The Daniel Road Centre, Truro TR1 2DA

Head Mistress – Mrs L V Mostyn, B.A.      CAMBORNE SCHOOL
Telephone:  Camborne 712280      CRANBERRY ROAD
Our ref:  LVM/KAB

         19th September, 1983

Dear Mr. Yarwood,

Please accept my congratulations on your new appointment.   I am sure that you will find your new post rewarding and interesting.   At that same time, may I say thank you for all the help you have given Camborne School since you arrived in the district; the staff and I have greatly valued you knowledge and expertise.

It is a tremendous task to keep abreast of all the developments which have occurred of late and I have always been most impressed with you capacity to provide first class knowledge and information very speedily.   We shall miss you.

With very good wishes.
Yours sincerely,

Vivienne Mostyn

Mr. Yarwood
Area Careers Officer,
Careers Office
Pendarves Road